Rozvod a anulace

Katolík po rozvodu narazí na hodně otázek, zmatku a dezinformace o tom, jak může dál praktizovat svou víru. Pravdou je, že katolická víra je právě tím klíčem k uzdravení a je nezbytná k prožívaní života naplněného láskou, pokojem a radostí.

Catholics Come Home has teamed up with, the leading organization committed to helping divorced Catholics, to provide you with the truth about living your Catholic faith after a divorce or separation and to help shed light on some of the challenges faced by divorced Catholics, like single parenting, dealing with your ex-spouse, managing money and finances, and dating and relationships.

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Find answers to these questions and more

  • Am I still welcome in the Church?
  • Can I receive communion?
  • What is an annulment and why do I need one?
  • What does the Church teach about divorce and remarriage?
  • I feel like an outcast. How can I cope?

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